23/24 Handbook and Required Materials

Behavior Expectations

If an issue with any of the above arises…

1. Discussion with Mr. Ryan after class

2. Email/phone call home

3. Referral to the office

4. Meeting with student, parent(s), Mr. Ryan, and an administrator

5. Further action, as deemed appropriate with administration.

Grading Policy

Students receive a number grade from 0 to 100 in Band, as in any other class. Here’s how I break things down:

Daily Ensemble Grade – 30%

Every five-weeks, you will receive a grade out of 25 points based on being on time to class, having required materials each day, and their effort in class and at home. If you show up and try your best, you will have nothing to worry about! 

All other assignments – 20%

While most of our work is playing-based, I occasionally give written assignments like listening activities, concert evaluations, or self-assessments. There are very few of these assigned each quarter, so it’s important to make it up if you’re absent. These can typically be completed on paper or on Google Classroom.

Weekly Lesson Grades – 30%

Each weekly lesson is graded out of 10 points:

Music Checks/Quarter Projects – 20%

Music Checks and Quarter Projects are recorded assignments based on the music we’re currently working on. If you practice at home, pay attention in class, and seek extra help when needed, you will find these to be VERY easy. I never want these to cause anxiety or worry, but rather as a chance for you to be proud of your effort and progress.

Private Lessons

There are many benefits to private lesson instruction. Private teachers can offer more individualized instruction to help students advance and refine their skills on their instrument. The one-on-one lesson with a professional allows more support than I’m able to provide during our in-school lessons.

I am happy to work with any interested students and families to find them the right private lesson teacher – we have an amazing network of professional artist-educators in our area.

Purchasing an Instrument

8th grade is a time when many students and families look to purchase an “upgraded” instrument to help their student advance. There is a wide cost range depending on the instrument, brand, and condition (new vs. used).

If this is a step your family is interested in making, please contact me – I am happy to work with you to make an informed decision in obtaining a suitable instrument for your child (and get you the best quality within your budget). Many instruments online seem like a good deal, but will actually hinder your child’s development.

For families currently not in a position to purchase an upgraded instrument, upgraded accessories (mouthpieces, ligatures, reeds, practice aids, etc.) are a great way to help your student advance, without purchasing an instrument. I have listed many of the items I recommend in the materials section below.

Required Materials

Being prepared with required materials factors into students’ participation and lesson grades, and is necessary for active participation in class. 

Click on the links to view the materials list for your instrument:







Low Brass


Many students already have some (or all) of the required materials - check with your student before purchasing anything!

Instrument Care and Maintenance

Proper instrument care and cleaning of wind instruments is VERY important. Many of the required materials listed above allow students to properly care for and clean their instrument, which is something we’ll discuss in lessons.

Summary of Potential Costs

NYSSMA registration, method book for lessons, instrument rentals, instrument maintenance, Trills and Thrills trip costs, reeds, necessary accessories, sheet music, etc. are all potential costs to participating in Band at LMS. 

Cost will never be a barrier for any student who wants to perform, achieve, and participate to the best of their ability. If finances are an issue, never hesitate to contact me – we will find a solution. 

Additionally, fundraising opportunities will be available during the year to help offset costs of our yearly trip. Note: fundraising profits not applied to their 7th Grade Band trip will be applied towards any trips we take in 8th Grade Band!